A shortened path
or a long busy road
if she takes the path
she lives a short life
if she takes the road
she’s flattened and crushed
either way
what life will she have
Dogs chasing her coming to a short tree
or a thin tall tree
if she climbs the tall tree
she fall and break her neck and die
if she climbs the short one
the dogs will jump
and tare her down
and she will die
either way
what life will she have
Going with the killer
or going with herself
if she goes to the killer
she dies from him
if she goes with herself
she will cause
her own suicidal death
either way
what life will she have
She won’t live to see the light
see wont live to see another day
trap in darkness
trap by her own world
a life born to go to waste
or a long busy road
if she takes the path
she lives a short life
if she takes the road
she’s flattened and crushed
either way
what life will she have
Dogs chasing her coming to a short tree
or a thin tall tree
if she climbs the tall tree
she fall and break her neck and die
if she climbs the short one
the dogs will jump
and tare her down
and she will die
either way
what life will she have
Going with the killer
or going with herself
if she goes to the killer
she dies from him
if she goes with herself
she will cause
her own suicidal death
either way
what life will she have
She won’t live to see the light
see wont live to see another day
trap in darkness
trap by her own world
a life born to go to waste
Ek wil graag vra wat met die obsession met die dood is... maybe it's just me, but I don't get it.
It's bigger than all of us, it's inevitable, it completes the circle of life and there's a certain poetic beauty to it. But apart from that, I wouldn't say it's funky.
I think once you're in a situation where you are confronted with death and destruction on a daily basis, it loses its novelty value.
Perhaps we should ask someone living in Baghdad to write us a few poems on death...
Erm, ek bedoel eintlik - wat's met BloodRose's obsession met dood.
Get it done, or move on.
My 2c.
GD: Valid points though
Death happens to all, the manner is different for everyone.
Death is something of an unknown and in that it is something to fear. But to dwell on something that is normally seen as a negative experience dulls the mind and kills all joy. I think it can help getting bad emotions on paper(blog) to get it out-of-your-system but to dwell on it continually is counter-productive and stupid - cause you can't do anything about it anyways, it's gonna happen and the sooner you get your head around dealing with it or preparing for it the better for you and for the rest of your life.
I believe that death is not the end but it doesn't change anything asfar as dealing with it is concerned.
No fear !!
wel ek is mal oor die poems, ek is ni obses met dood nie, dis net mooi vir my en dis n manier vir my om ontslae te raak van al my worries en stress.
Ek vind dit net fasineering.
Hope that answer ur question just-ify
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